2010 October

Analysis – Twelve Years a Slave

Solomon Northup achieves something quite profound in this book. The narrative shows how a simple economic institution, backed by law and religion, enforced by those seeking to profit from it, can quickly become rationalized and passed down from generation to generation as a cultural norm.

Analysis – The Slave States

The institution of slavery is the inhibitor of civilization and modernization in the South. It slows the progress of education, morality, community, social mores, customs, culture, infrastructure, economic advances, wages and labor practices. It however, promotes destitution, waste and abuse.

Alexander Hamilton
Biographical Sketch – Alexander Hamilton

Today, Americans take so many things for granted.  As a nation with a limited attention span and a constant need for instant gratification, we conveniently overlook our own heritage and the difficult work of a few statesmen almost two and a half centuries ago.  All of us have handled a ten-dollar bill at one time in our lives, but have we ever stopped to understand the complexities and the vision of the man who appears on that bill?  The legacy of Alexander Hamilton lives on in many of our political and economic conventions to this day.

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